Increase Handspan
Increase Handspan
Play with Liszt's hands!
The hand
The hand
The hand (manus) is defined as the distal portion of the upper limb extending from the wrist joint to cover the fingertips. It is consisted of the bony / cartilaginous skeleton, tendons, muscles and connective tissue which create one of the most sensitive part of the human body. The hands are precisely controlled by brain impulses and spinal reflexes that help you with the finest execution of movements. Beyond the anatomic role of capturing the objects, the hand is the tool of human creativity and expression taking part in communication therefore had a great impact on human development. A symbol of strength and tenderness at the same time, which manifestation can be detected in social relationships by far the most beautiful way (let's just think of a parent/child relationship, a "vindicatory hand"). Its complexity is obvious when you think that replacement of the human hand is not yet solved even in the century of robotics and informatics.
Your handspan is the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger on the outstretched hand.
Anatomy of the hand, including bones, ligaments, joints: (see Fig. 1)
ossa carpi proximalia
os scaphoideum
os lunatum
os triquetrum
os pisiforme
ossa carpi distalia
os trapezium
os trapezoideum
os capitatum
os hamatum
ossa metacarpi (5)
digiti manus (ossa digitorum manus seu phalanges)
pollex (seu digitus primus)
index (seu digitus secundus)
digitus medius seu tertius
digitus anularis seu quartus
digitus minimus seu quintus
ossa sesamoidea
Articulatio (art.) radioulnaris (proximalis et distalis)
movements: supinatio/pronatio
Art. radiocarpea (wrist)
(art. ellipsoidea)
Floppy capsule, not so powerful ligaments:
lig. collaterale carpi ulnare
lig. collaterale carpi radiale
lig. radiocarpeum palmare
lig. radiocarpeum dorsale
lig. ulnocarpeum palmare
palmar- or volarflexio (flexio) – dorsalflexio (extensio)
radialis abductio – ulnaris abductio
passive rotation
Art. mediocarpea et artt. intercarpeae
art. plana / amphiarthrosis (passive displacement)
ligaments: (ligg. intercarpea)
lig. carpi radiatum
lig. pisohamatum
lig. arcuatum carpi dorsale
ligg. intercarpea palmaria, dorsalia, interossea
Artt. carpometacarpeae
ligaments: (ligg. carpometacarpea)
lig. pisometacarpeum
lig. hamatometacarpeum
ligg. carpometacarpea palmaria, dorsalia
Art. carpometacarpea pollicis
art. sellaris
oppositio – repositio
abductio – adductio
passive rotation
Artt. intermetacarpeae
passive displacement
Artt. metacarpophalangeae
strong collateral ligaments:
ligg. collateralia
ligg. palmaria
lig. metacarpeum transversum profundum
flexio – extensio
abductio – adductio
passive rotation
Art. metacarpophalangea pollicis
ginglymus (flexio – extensio only about one axis)
Artt. interphalangeae
flexio – extensio
1. Between forearm and carpus
Lig. collaterale carpi ulnare
Lig. collaterale carpi radiale
Lig. ulnocarpeum palmare (ulna – os capitatum)
Lig. radiocarpeum palmare (radius – os lunatum + os capitatum)
Lig. radiocarpeum dorsale (radius – os lunatum + os scaphoideum)
2. ligg. intercarpea
Lig. carpi radiatum
Lig. pisohamatum
Lig. arcuatum carpi dorsale
Ligg. intercarpea palmaria, dorsalia, interossea
3. ligg. carpometacarpea
Lig. pisometacarpeum
Lig. hamatometacarpeum
Ligg. carpometacarpea palmaria, dorsalia
4. ligg. metacarpea
Ligg. metacarpea palmaria, dorsalia, interossea
Ligg. metacarpea transversa proff. (art. metacarpophalangea!)